We're in a mad panic getting ready for the move to Ottawa, but I spent so much time building Little Squirt Too. She is ready to go. I have to take her out again. The official excuse for taking her out is that I need to burn off the gas in the engine. The movers insist that any engines such as the mower, and outboard motor have no gas in them.

10:14 I launched from the Glenwood side this time. I feel more comftable launching from here for some reason. Don't understand why. The Appleton dock is far better, but I always prefer to go to the Glenwood side anyway. The engine will not start. I've tried and tried with no success. I decided to use the electic engine to go up the outflow and contine to try to start the gas engine on the way.

10:51 Engine still will not start.

11:01 Stopped to untangle the anchor line and carefully walked over the top deck to the front of the boat and hooked up the end of the anchor to the Eye bolt that the bowsprit would hook onto if I had a bowsprit. I like having a anchor ready to go incase of emergency. I checked the voltage. It read 12.46V or a little over 75%.

11:08 Heading back. Didn't get very far but I promised my wife I wouldn't be gone very long because of the move. I decided on the way back that when I made the sails for Little Squirt Too I would definitely have to ensure they could be reefed. I also need to make up cushions. Water collects on the seats.

11:54 Grounded. I'm nowhere near shore and I'm stuck on rocks. Actually I've been grounded in the same spot with Little Squirt. I believe this is where I broke the shear pin on my outboard. I think that when I come back from Ottawa I am going to launch from Appleton from now on.

11:58 I'm back at the wharf in Glenwood. Voltage is now 12.06. That is a little over 25%.

CONCLUSION I believe the engine would not start because I stored it improperly with gas in the tank. I assume that if this is the case the carburator will have to be cleaned out. I hope that is all that it is.